Εισαγωγή στην ιστορία της ελληνικής και ρωμαϊκής αρχαιότητας

The first part of the course deals with the nature and methodology of ancient Greek history, with emphasis being placed upon the nature and range of coverage provided by the primary sources and thus on the appropriate approach and use of such sources by the ancient historian. The second part of the course offers a survey of ancient history from the Archaic period to Hellenistic times. Here stress will be laid upon how the subject matter of the survey is affected by the nature of the primary sources. In addition, the course examines the main events and chief political and social institutions that make up the course of roman history from the foundation of the Republic down to the age of Augustus, when the Roman empire assumed its final geographical form.

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Department of History and Ethnology

Panagi Tsaldari 1
Komotini, 69100

Τel: 25310-39462
Fax: 25310-39483

Email: secr@he.duth.gr


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