Laboratory of Folklore and Social Anthropology

After efforts lasting many years on the part of Professor Emmanouil G. Varvounis, Professor of Folklore at the Democritus University of Thrace and Treasurer of the the Greek Folklore Society, the Laboratory of Folklore and Social Anthropologywas founded in the School of Classics and Humanities, of the Democritus University of Thrace (Greek Government Gazette, 1390, Vol. II (6 July 2015), pp 15212 - 15214, decision no. A4777).
In addition to Professor Varvounis, officially enrolled members of the Laboratory include Vassileios Dalkavoukis, Associate Professor, Ethnography of Greek Lands, Katerina Markou, Assistant Professor, Social and Historical Anthropology of the Balkans, and Vassiliki Kravva, Assistant Professor, Social Anthropology. 
Officially enrolled members of the Laboratory also include Professor. M. G. Sergis, Folklore, and Assistant Professor Eleftherios Haratsidis, Ethnography of the Black Sea, of the Department of Language, Culture and Literature of Black Sea Lands, since, as stated above, the Laboratory is part of the School of Classics and Humanities, of which both the Department of Language, Culture and Literature of Black Sea Lands and the Department of History and Ethnology are members.
In October 2015, Professor Varvounis was elected Director of the Laboratory.  At this point, space had already been assigned to the Laboratory, which is now at the stage of establishing itself academically and in terms of organization. 
In view of both the areas of academic study and the number of distinguished members that make up the Laboratory and the cultural riches of Thrace, where the Laboratory is located and pursues its activities, the Laboratory is expected to be active in academic, educational, interpretative and publishing terms, promoting, as it does, folklore studies in the area of Thrace.
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